
Completion rates in final three pilots
75% completion rates in final three pilots

The KickStart programs work

Getting a handle on substance use and criminal activities is a massive challenge for community-based offenders. KickStart programs deliver the strategies to meet those challenges.

KickStart’s fundamental aim is to create meaningful behavioural change in community-based offenders. During the KickStart Pilot, participants reported significant improvements in their emotional regulation (as measured by the DERS); and reduced criminal thinking (as measured by the PICTS).

Other key indicators of behaviour change in KickStart participants are the frequency of urine test breaches and Correction Order breaches.

The individual effect

From program kickoff to completion, participants noticed marked improvements across physical and psychological health, social relationships and environment.


*as measured by the DERS


*as measured by the PICTS


*as the program progressed

“I have calmed down and taken time to stop, relax and rethink before acting.”
“[I've seen] a change in my emotions. I can really take time to actually see what I'm really feeling. Usually I wouldn’t care.”
“I am more confident in myself knowing that I don’t need drugs to live a happy life.”

The KickStart programs successfully engage individuals at moderate and high risk of re-offending.

The Group Model fosters a sense of belonging and community and allows participants to learn from the experiences of others.

Completion of KickStart is likely to predict successful completion of a community correction Order.

The outside perspective

Community Corrections Officers reported that KickStart participants demonstrated a greater awareness and understanding of their feelings and how these related to their offending behaviour. It was also noted that participants were more open to discussing emotional regulation, mental health and goal setting.

The KickStart program overview

The foundations for change.

The program includes two flexible formats – a 42-hour or 24-hour group program and a 15-hour or 8-hour individual program.

Group Program

42 hours (15 sessions) OR 24 hours (8 sessions)

Male offenders serving community Corrections Orders, combined custodial sentences or parole

Individual Program

15 hours OR 8 hours

Male offenders serving community Corrections Orders who are unsuitable for group programs

Digital KickStart

The KickStart programs can now be accessed via a web-based platform incorporating digital enhancements to create a more accessible and engaging experience for participants.

The majority of participants say they would prefer to access the KickStart program online and complete the activities digitally.

Facilitators report that the digital programs reduce administration time, are fun to deliver and allow for real-time tracking of participant’s progress.

3 big outcomes


Increases self-awareness of the relationship between drug use and offending.


Provides skill development while increasing motivation and self-efficacy for change.


Guides the development of realistic and actionable self-management plans.