Kick the Habit, Start Over

A transformative community-based offender program that changes lives

KickStart is a suite of highly successful programs developed to produce real impact for individuals in the community with alcohol and/or other drugs issues and offending behaviour.

A highly effective behaviour change program

Designed, developed and piloted by Caraniche - who draw on 25 years’ experience working with offenders - the suite of programs represent a fresh and highly effective community-based take on these significant alcohol and drug programs.

For Facilitators

Successful completion of KickStart equips participants with effective strategies to address the link between substance use and offending, while increasing motivation and self-efficacy for change.
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For Agencies

KickStart’s evidence-based programs are delivered by endorsed AOD agencies who are supported by a Community of Practice, ongoing Supervision and an online Facilitator Portal.
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The KickStart programs work

Getting a handle on substance use and criminal activities is a massive challenge for community-based offenders. KickStart programs deliver the strategies to meet those challenges.

KickStart’s fundamental aim is to create meaningful behavioural change in community-based offenders. During the KickStart Pilot, participants reported significant improvements in their emotional regulation (as measured by the DERS); and reduced criminal thinking (as measured by the PICTS).

Other key indicators of behaviour change in KickStart participants are the frequency of urine test breaches and Correction Order breaches.

Learn about the program

Successful completion of KickStart increases the likelihood of successful completion of a community correction order

Improvements in emotional regulation and psychological distress

Reductions in current criminal thinking

Improvements in overall quality of life